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Keynotes, Invited Presentations, Public Lectures

Over the course of my career I have been invited to participate as a keynote speaker in a variety of contexts, both academic and non-academic. Organizing public talks that are open to the public and accessible to non-academic audiences is also a key component of giving back to the communities whom I collaborate with. I enjoy speaking publicly about my research and I have also been committed to creating spaces for others, especially those who are marginalized, to have a place to present and share their expertise. 


As part of this dossier, I have uploaded a number of videos, some produced for larger platforms (i.e the Science and Me and the TedX talk), and the Hip Hop Storytellers video that focuses on the beginnings of the Scott/ IMP Hip Hop Project. I have also embedded a public discussion on gender and popular music that was part of the Hot Talks Series run by the Regina Public Library, and a keynote panel on Indigenous Women and Music that was part of the first conference I organized in 2006. 

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