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Curatorial Projects

From the beginning of my time at the University of Regina, I became entangled in all kinds of curation and the production of performance and media arts. I have listed a selected group of events here that I curated either independently or in collaboration with others. 


Little Red is described more fully in the teaching innovation section as it was a collaborative work that evolved in one of the seminars I taught. 


As part of the Queer City Cinema Festival, I curated the multi-disciplinary event Audibly Out!, inviting electronic music producer, Tara Rodgers, VJ and mixed media audio artist Carrie Gates, and beat maker, media artist Nikki Click, to performer and create. This was co-produced by QCC and Holophon. There were multiple nights of performance and a roundtable discussion of queer-identified, electronic, musicians focused on music technologies and identity. 

Neutral Ground event page

Queer City Cinema Festival program guide

I have also curated a number of performances and festivals as part of the conferences I have organized here in Regina, as well as performances for the hip hop research projects I have facilitated. 

This kind of curatorial work has become an integral part of my research programs, as it is an essential form of giving back to the communities with whom I collaborate.

“End of An Era! Celebration of Dr. C Marsh and the IMP Labs,” Performance and Research Presentation, April 2019.

“Gathering Diversities, Sounding Justice,” Performances and Reception, Regina, SK, May 2018. 

“Critical Issues in Ethnomusicology,” Performances and Reception, Regina, SK, May 2018.


“Spaces of Violence, Sites of Resistance: Music, Media, and Performance Festival,” Regina, SK, June 3-5, 2010. 


“Audibly Out!” Curator, Queen City Cinema Festival. Regina, SK. June 2010.


“Scott Collegiate/ IMP Labs Hip Hop Projects,” Versions I-V, Performances for Elementary Schools and Public Performances at the MacKenzie Art Gallery, Scott Collegiate, and the Saskatchewan Exchange, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.


“Little Red” Curator, Producer, Artist Collaboration with Media and Performance Class, Performance at The MacKenzie Art Gallery in March 2009.


“The Oral, Written, and Other Verbal Media and eVOCative Festival.” Curator and Producer DVD Series. Summer/ Fall 2008.


“Launch of the Interactive Media and Performance (IMP) Labs Performance.” Producer and M/C. April 2, 2008.


“Spanning the Distance Artist Festival.” Curator and M/C. May 2006.

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